Heinz Baby Food 3 Jars FREE

I like seeing these ones, it shows the good side of people! They’re giving away 3 free jars of Heinz Baby Food. They don’t list an expiry date, but I would assume that they haven’t expired. This freebie contains:

  • 1- Heinz Sweet Potatoes
  • 2- Mixed Fruit with Oatmeal Cereal

Things like this are perfect for those mothers who can’t afford to buy baby food for their babies. I’m so glad there are good hearted people out there who are looking out for those in need. I just hope we see more of these giveaways.

If you’re wondering if your picky kids will like these, well, I’m pretty sure they will love them. My kids loved eating sweet potatoes in a jar for years and I bet you if I got one today for them, they’ll love them just as much. Even the mixed fruit and oatmeal, what kid wouldn’t like this combination?

Please, if you are a parent who is in need of these 3 free jars of Heinz Baby food I would encourage you to get this. Or if you don’t “NEED” this please leave it for someone who does.

Picture of Heinz Baby Food 3 Jars FREE

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