Ikea Lilla Children’s Potty Used FREE

Do you have a toddler who needs a potty? Someone is giving away this free Ikea Lilla Children’s Potty, but it’s been used. They said that it was used for road trips and going on boat rides only. So it wouldn’t have been used much I believe. Probably only for emergencies. It also says that it is less than a year old.

When my daughter was getting out of diapers, we used a potty similar to this one and it worked out really well. It was more like a wooden chair with a steel pan in the middle. My sister actually bought this same potty from Ikea for her son and she says her son loves it, but it’s pretty small. I can’t see her son wanting to use it past a year old. My sister likes that the whole unit is just one piece so it’s relatively easy to clean and no way for the pee to escape and stain her floor, lol. The potty does look a little flimsy. I think I’d be afraid of stepping on it and smashing it to pieces.

As for using the potty, I’ve never seen my nephew using it, but I’m not sure what the proper way is. Do you straddle it like you’re on a horse? Or do you sit gripping the sides? I guess whatever is comfortable for the child…

If you don’t manage to get this free used Ikea Lilla Children’s Potty, I think that if you were to buy it brand new, it would cost you maybe $15.

Picture of Ikea Lilla Children's Potty Used FREE

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