Pregni Pillow Inflatable Pregnancy Pillow Used FREE

Another great item for pregnant moms! They’re giving away this free Pregni Pillow Inflatable Pregnancy Pillow that’s been used. It doesn’t say how used it is, but it’s not in the original package. It does say that they think there’s a hole in it. Since it’s inflatable, I’m sure it’ll be fairly easy to fix, like an air mattress or inner tube, just use a glue patch.

This Pregni Pillow looks like it would be good to use if you sleep on your side. I remember when I was pregnant, I had a big bulky pillow to use between my legs. I found it so uncomfortable because I would often switch from side to side and it would be so awkward to move around. This pillow looks like it would make moving around so much simpler. Sheesh, I wish I had thought about using something like this…

If you were to buy this pillow in the store or online you’re looking at about $50! Which seems kind of pricey for an mini air mattress. But, hey, if it gives you comfort when your pregnant, there’s no price to high, lol 😉 . For any pregnant mother out there looking for comfort when sleeping, get this free used Pregni Pillow Inflatable Pregnancy Pillow and start getting a good sleep.

Picture of Pregni Pillow Inflatable Pregnacy Pillow Used FREE

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