iPhone 4S Broken Back Glass Free

I can tell you right now, you won’t find many of these. They’re giving away this free iPhone 4S only because it has a broken back glass! They say the front screen is undamaged and seems to work fine and it’s just the back that has the damage. They don’t use the phone often so they can say for sure how well the phone itself works but it does turn on.

It surprises me sometimes what people will give away for free even if it’s a little broken. I guess sometimes people just can’t be bothered to fix something themselves or they just hate the idea of owning something that is broken. The damage on this iphone can easily be hidden if you didn’t want to fix it yourself. Just put a case on it and you’ll never see the damaged glass. Better yet, take it to one of those places that will fix your cellphone and pay a few bucks to make it look brand new then you can either keep it or sell it. If you do sell it, why not give the money to your favorite charity?

Personally, I would jump on this right away. I rarely, if ever, see iPhones being given away free. But I do suspect that as newer models come out that the very early ones will be given away more often. So if you’re looking for an iPhone and don’t want to pay money for it, why not get this free iPhone 4S with a broken back glass?

Picture of iPhone 4S Broken Backglass Free

iPhone 4S Broken Backglass Free 1

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