Nerium Optimera Night and Day Cream Used Free

If you’re looking for a way help remove signs of aging, this might be just for you. They’re giving away this free used Nerium Optimera Night and Day Cream. They said that over half of it has been used but it did not work well with their skin type. I’m not sure what the right skin type is for this particular product but it would be worth a try to find out. The size of the bottle is 30 ml so what is left can be anywhere from 15 ml or around that. Probably a good amount to get an idea of how effective the product is or see how your skin reacts to it.

If you were to buy both of these together online or wherever, it would probably cost you close to $100. That might seem like a lot of money if you don’t know how effective the product is. I looked online to see the reviews and there seems be a split right down the middle. 50 percent of people are saying it works and the other half saying the opposite.

And for those wondering if this is the same as Nerium AD, it is. In Canada it’s called Nerium Optimera, so I guess these 2 bottles are from Canada?

If you were wanting to try a Nerium product without spending money this free used Nerium Optimera Night and Day Cream would be perfect. But always be cautious when getting used opened cosmetics. Try a little bit on your skin first just to be safe.

Picture of Nerium Optimera Night and Day Cream Used Free

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