Piano FREE

If you’re looking to make some sweet music, you’ll be happy to know that they’re giving away this free piano to anyone who can pick it up. They ask for whoever picks up the piano to be “professional piano movers”. I’m not sure who that might be, or just general movers I guess. They also say that they don’t have room for it in their new house so it needs to go to a good home. It still plays and sounds great!

When I was a kid, I always wanted a piano, but my Mother wouldn’t get us one. It wasn’t until I was older when I found out how expensive they are when bought brand new. As a kid, they weren’t very common and it seemed all the “popular” kids had one and would always talk about it. I felt uncool and that’s why I wanted one so bad. I’m not even sure if we did get one if I’d actually start to play it. It would probably end up collecting dust and my Mother would never forgive me for burning a hole in their pockets.

I wish there were people this this that would love to give away their people when I was a kid. It never fails, whenever you’re not looking for something, it pops up. Oh well, I’m sure someone out there would love a free piano.

Picture of Piano FREE

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