Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Perfume Half Used Free

This is such a beautiful scent. One of my favorites, and they’re giving away this free Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Perfume that has been used and there’s about half left. They said it’s the 25ml bottle so it looks like there would be about 10 – 12 ml of actual perfume left.

They also go on to say that they reason they’re giving it away is because her husband has allergies and causes an allergic reaction. Which is really a shame because this is one of my husbands favorite perfumes on me. He actually surprises me with a bottle ever year.

I remember the first time I tried Light Blue, it was love at first sniff, lol. It’s just so beautiful. It’s light and clean and has a refreshing smell. I can wear it in either the summer or the winter and it’s one of those perfumes that can fill a room but not be overpowering, it’s hard to explain. It can also be quite seductive. Whenever I wear it around my husband, it’s like he just can’t keep his hands off of me and I know it’s not just me.

I think everyone should at least try it, I know not everyone loves it but those that do really enjoy it. It’s unfortunate for those who have allergies and can’t wear this, but for those who can try and get this free half used Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Perfume and start being the seductive queen you were born to be 😉

Picture of Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Perfume Half Used Free

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