Bath & Body Works Sun Ripened Raspberry Body Lotion Used Free

Here’s something that I found that sounds just so delicious, mmm. They say that they’re giving away this free body lotion bottle of Bath & Body Works Sun Ripened Raspberry and it has been used, with about three quarters still left. Which is still quite a bit in a bottle that contains 236ml of lotion.

The only reason they give for the freebie is that they found it in their closet and don’t use it anymore. It doesn’t say how long they had it, so I’m not sure if something like this would go bad over time. I did a quick search online and found that Sun-Ripened Raspberry body lotion has been discontinued. Since it’s no longer available there might be someone out there who will want it even though it’s been sitting around opened.

I just love the name they gave this body lotion. It sounds yummy and makes you want to slather it all over yourself and lick it off, lol. I bet is smells divine and going by some of the reviews a lot of other people feel the same way. They say it’s a very “singular” sent meaning you don’t get any other scents which is sometimes nice because combinations get too complicated. A lot of people are commenting that it has a very lingering scent that lasts a very long time. Others are saying it’s too overpowering and strong. Well, there’s only one way to find out for yourself, get this free used Bath & Body Works Sun Ripened Raspberry body lotion.

Picture of Bath & Body Works Sun Ripened Raspberry Body Lotion Used Free

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