Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte Perfume Used FREE

They’re giving away this barely used free Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte Perfume. It comes in a 100ml bottle but it’s hard to tell how much is left. In the image, I can’t tell if the bottle is on it’s side or standing up. Even still, if it’s free and there’s only a little perfume left how can you complain right?

If you haven’t noticed yet, I love perfumes and Chanel is one of my favorite. Cristalle is right up there with some of my favorites from Chanel. If you haven’t tried it yet, you really should. It feels crisp and young, it has a bit of an orangy scent but so nice, definitely worth trying out. It’s not heavy like some of the other Chanel perfumes, this one is vibrant and fresh. The only downside is that it doesn’t last long on my skin. It seems like it’s strongest within 5 minutes and then it just starts to fade over time. I just wish I would be longer lasting. Makes for a good casual sort of fragrance that you can where around the house or at work.

If you haven’t had a chance to try out this fragrance yet at the store now is your chance to get your very own free but used Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte Perfume.

Picture of Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte Perfume Used FREE

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