Chanel Rouge Allure 13 Tender Lipstick Used Free

Hey Chanel lovers! They’re giving away this free Chanel Rouge Allure 13 Tender lipstick, but it has been used. If being used doesn’t bother you then you might want to check it out.

I couldn’t find too much online about Chanel Rouge Allure, but I know that most Chanel lipsticks are fairly expensive. If you’ve always wanted to try one, this is a great way. Maybe the reason why I couldn’t find much is because they don’t make it anymore? Maybe it’s just not that good? I don’t know.

If you are interested in buying or receiving free lipstick that’s already been used, always be cautious. I’m not sure what the correct procedure to remove any germs or to properly sanitize the lipstick but keep that in mind. The person who used it before might have a problem with cold sores or some other problem that you don’t want to catch. Always be safe, I can’t stress that enough.

Regardless of what I think of receiving used lipstick, it might be kind of fun to try it out especially if you would never spend the money on buy the actual product. Go a head and give this free used Chanel Rouge Allure 13 Tender Lipstick a try.

Picture of Chanel Rouge Allure 13 Tender Lipstick Used Free

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