Heidi Klum Shine Perfume Used FREE

Start smelling great with this free Heidi Klum Shine perfume that’s only been used a few times. They say that they were cleaning out their closet and didn’t want this anymore and giving it away to anyone who wanted it.

I’ve tried Heidi Klum Shine before but it was a small sample that I received from a department store. I have to say that it was nice but not the most amazing perfume I’ve ever tried. I’m not sure what it is, there’s just nothing that really stands out for me. It has a slight vanilla and tonka bean scent that I liked but it didn’t last for very long. That was my main problem was that it was so light that I could barely smell it. I did end up using the entire sample and was curious as to how much a full size bottle would be, and was surprised to see that it’s very cheap, about $10. Now that I think about it, should I have been surprised? Lol.

If you don’t have any perfume on hand and would like to use something in the mean time, this free used Heidi Klum Shine perfume would be a good choice.

PIcture of Heidi Klum Shine Perfume Used FREE

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