Mountain Bike Kids 26 Inch Pick Up Free

This is awesome! They’re giving away this free kids mountain bike 26 inch if you pick up. I don’t think it will last long. Bikes are usually the quickest free items to go, you always need to act fast.

My husband is always on the look out for free bikes. He enjoys working on bikes and fixing them up, he even likes to ride them every once in a while 😉 . For the past few years he’s been going to auctions and garage sales and picking up old beaten up bikes and fixing them up. Sometimes he’ll even use some of the parts for his own bike. It’s almost like a little hobby for him. So if I happen to find a bike that’s being given away for free he likes to know too.

This mountain bike in particular is nice it looks like it would be for either older kids probably over 10 years old. For those kids that are just a little too small for the adult bikes. It might be good for small adults too. The bike itself looks like it’s in good condition, but not a high quality brand. I think the brand is Infinity?

Unfortunately, it’s too small for my husband and myself so we don’t need it, but if you have a child that is in need of a bike then look no further than this free kids mountain bike 26 inch, just remember that you’ll need to pick it up yourself.

Picture of Mountain Bike Kids 26 Inch Pick Up Free

Mountain Bike Kids 26 Inch Pick Up Free 1

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