Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman Perfume Used FREE

This brings back memories for me, but I’m sure someone will want this. It’s a free used perfume of Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman that they are giving away. They said that they’ve had it for years and it’s just collecting dust and might as well go to someone who can use it and appreciate it. They said it can be picked up or they’ll even ship it anywhere as long as you pay the shipping costs.

I remember alllll the way back to high school when this just came out. It was really popular with all the rich girls at school, because only they could afford it. I secretly loved the way it smelled on them and told myself that when I could afford it, I would buy a bottle. Well, you know what, once I got out of high school I never even gave it a second thought until now. I’m not sure if I would still want to get it. It probably bring back feelings of inferiority and awkwardness from high school and I should probably leave those memories for that time period of my life, lol.

For those wondering what Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman Perfume smells like, it’s refreshingly light, and clean with a hint of citrusy smell… if memory serves me. It didn’t smell anything like a masculine scent like some people think by the name “sport.

As you can tell from the picture there is about a quarter left of the perfume. It’s not a lot but good enough for being a freebie. Why not try out this free used Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman Perfume and see if you like it.

Picture of Ralph Lauren Polo Sport Woman Perfume Used FREE

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