Raspberry and Strawberry Plants FREE

This person is giving away these free raspberry and strawberry plants. They don’t give a lot of details about how many plants they just say “I have lots”. They said they have raspberry canes and strawberry plants but must pick up.

I remember when I was growing up, our neighbor had raspberry canes in her backyard and they would bloom in June every year. It would smell wonderful like crushed raspberries. She would even let the kids in the neighborhood pick some when they were ripe. They were such a nice treat.

Raspberries can be such a forgiving plant. You can leave them alone and most of the time they’ll still have some berries. If you take care of them just a little, then you can get more. It really doesn’t take much effort.

If you’re in the area and looking to grow edible treats, get these free raspberry and strawberry plants and enjoy natures bounty 🙂

Picture of Raspberry and Strawberry Plants FREE

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